Advertise with AAINNJ2
Dear Sponsor/ Vendors/ AAINNJ2 Supporters,
AAINNJ2 is a nonprofit organization under the rules and regulations of non-profit organization 501(c)3 in the United States of America. AAINNJ2 nurses continue to be the frontline heroes serving our country during this pandemic time, safeguarding millions of lives, and echoing the World Health Organization’s declaration of the year 2020 as the year of the nurse, which has been currently extended to 2021. AAINNJ2 is proud to say that we are part National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA).
AAINNJ2 website serves as a virtual office for all the governing board members and the entire members. Our sponsors and vendors can showcase their business as an advertisement in our newsletter and website. Also, we are looking forward to enhancing our communication through our website and various applications. Your generous support will help us accomplish this. Please find the different sponsor rates available for the newsletter and the website. We would like to thank you in advance for your generous support
Would you like to advertise with us?

Smitha Paul, MSN, RN
Website Chair

Premilla Mendonca, MSN, RN, APN-C
Website Co-chair